Primary HESA Course - English 4 - Highlander Early Start Academy

Step 1- English 4

Primary HESA Course

English 4 - English Writing Lecture

Review, choose, and write down the CRN for the English 4 class you wish to register for HESA.

Please choose ONE Lecture and ONE 004L (Discussion) CRN from the SAME BLOCK.

*It is a good idea to pick alternate classes in case your chosen class is full.


Option 1 - English 4 - E01 
Type CRN Subject Course # Section Day Time
Lecture 72924 English 4 E01 TR 10:00am - 12:00pm
Discussion 75162 English 4 004L TBA TBA


Option 2 - English 4 - E02 
Type CRN Subject Course # Section Day Time
Lecture 70850 English 4 E02 TR 10:00am - 12:00pm
Discussion 75162 English 4 004L TBA TBA


Option 3 - English 4 - E03 
Type CRN Subject Course # Section Day Time
Lecture 70851 English 4 E03 TR 10:00am - 12:00pm
Discussion 75162 English 4 004L TBA TBA


Go to Step 2 of HESA registration